Wednesday, May 20

She Loves Horses

Cowgirl Rosa Jane loves horses and they scare me. Lots of things in life scare me, so I guess this is just one more thing in the great scheme of things that Elenor Roosevelt said, "You must do the thing you think you can not do." And sometimes that just means simply putting one foot in front of the other and doing the next thing!

Friday, May 8

Natural Light Headshots Save the Day! (Austin Corporate Photographer)

Sometimes, stars align and pathways are cleared to help a fella out. This handsome guy was just nominated for CFO of the Year in Austin. I highly think he deserves it and can't wait to hear the future goodnews that he was also crowned CFO of the World. Good Luck, Man!

Thursday, May 7

Motherhood round 3

{photo by Lisa Woods.}
Man, I've been thinking loads as of late. Wondering why I can't blog like I used to. I think it's because my perfectly malleable daughter has come into her own. She picks out what to wear and she has very strong opinions about what to do and not do and when to do it. From ages of birth to two, most everything was hunky dory and going my way. Now, I have to be creative and manipulative and it's just plain draining.

Now, I can see that my weaknesses have shaped her almost as much as my strengths. I pray each day that things will be different, that I'll do better and quit taking the easy route. Some things never change though. I'll keep praying and asking God to turn our weaknesses to strengths. That the big lessons will take heart and that at the end of the day she'll know how very much she is loved being just who she is. Motherhood is an amazing journey. Some days we are high as a kite in love and others we're at each others throats to take a nap or clean the house.

She tells me, "I still love you even when I do the wrong thing, Mommy."
I love her all the time. To infinity and beyond. Weaknesses and all. God only knows what I'd be with out you. Thanks and glory to Him for all the miracles in our lives.

Thursday, February 19

Inspired to Blog

Yesterday, Linda Anderson, spoke to us at Mom2Mom. She usually speaks via recorded dvd sessions, but on this day she was LIVE and IN PERSON. Linda is AMAZING and I love her to death even though I don't *really* know her. But when she speaks, I feel at peace and I just know the words of God are flowing from her heart and mouth and it's the most amazing thing to be in her presence. She talked about a lot of things yesterday like where is your head most of the time in your daily life -- it is focused in the future and writing that great amazing novel or more applicable to me is becoming the brightest and shiniest star photographer or are you on the hamsterwheel focused on the daily events that consume and never seem to end -- sure the kitchen is clean in this moment, but fifteen minutes later disaster zone. Whew!

I know I've been so busy with my part-time photography job that I've been neglecting this blog and I started to get sad that there's no evidence in journaling about what's been happening in our lives... so I vow to do better. Small snipets and daily overhearings. Rosa Jane is funnier than ever, even if she does seem to be obsessed with a mini-dvd player and playing Cinderella from start to finish over and over again... seriously, I think it's three times a day when we're home. So I'm trying to be more conscious and out the door.

I can't tell if it's a marked improvement over what she used to do with the Litte Mermaid, which was to watch it over and over but she was constantly hitting the fast forward button so it was over as soon as it started.

At any rate, she's princess obsessed and has to have princess light up shoes. She received non-itchy princess dresses - a blue one and a purple one - for Valentines day and she was super excited about them.

We bought a new Toyota RAV 4 this week and I'm really enjoying the new found space. I can drive for miles and miles now which is sweet relief from the imprisonment I was feeling with the Passat Lease agreement.