Friday, May 20

You're a GIRL!!

you're a girl!

Whenever we're out about town and I politely ask Don to hold my purse for a sec, he takes it and then I quickly say, "you're a girl! you're a girl!"

And that's just what we're having: a girl!! So far we've dubbed her Rosa Jane, after my maternal grandmother Rosa and my best friend, Heather Jane.

The doctor was very enthusiastic about the health of the baby and her development so far. It was such a relief! And she's sooo cute and beautiful already!

Rosa Jane is expected to arrive on September 21. She's the only one in the world with whom I would share my birthday.

Friends keep telling me that I'm aglow. I feel so very loved by our community. It's an amazing feeling that reminds me much of how happy everyone was for us at our wedding... and now it's happiness times 10. Life is very, very good.

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