Tuesday, June 13

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

There's good news and bad news for the Roedners.

* Rosa Jane says "Mama" for the first time on 6/7/06 (Honey's Birthday).
* Under careful watch, Rosa Jane crawls up an entire flight of stairs.

* We've moved, cleaned out the old Ranchette, and new renters are taking over our lease next week. This means our days of paying double rent are finally coming to a close and we'll even get a refund! We're dancing for joy.

And this is really devastaing, so you might want to sit down before reading any further...

KBR's computer's D:// (where all my photos, movies, etc, etc of everything were stored) was completely erased during the shakeup of the move. All our free time between sorting out the random tidbits of haphazzard packing has been devoted to recovering lost data. I will cry if I think about it all too much, so I'm trying to divert my attention to alphabetizing our 600 CD's and other useless measures. I'm having a hard time sitting here and typing this, so I better keep this short.

Crying Wolf
Sunday morning Hanky tried to herd a Buck grazing in our backyard. His plan backfired and the deer chased the yelping pup back to the porch in no time. By the sound of it, we thought he was being trampled and mauled to death. It turned out he was just being dramatic.

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