Monday, May 19

Baby Clothes

Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
We've been sorting out baby clothes to hand down to friends and Rosa Jane insists that's she's not too big to wear this 6-9mos outfit. Couldn't get the back snapped, nor could she really walk in the skirt. Hilarious.
It's amazing how much she loves her old baby things and wants to try them all on.

In other news, we're potty trained and have been so for about a month. It's a huge event in the world of toddler-dom. I just haven't felt it was necessary to detail every lovin' story here of our successes and failures. I will say that Dora, Shrek and My Little Pony's played a huge roll in motivating the kid.

1 comment:

Mommy said...

too adorable!
Congratulations RJ and parents!