Saturday, April 29

Rosa Jane doesn't just laugh at everything and anything. In fact, she doesn't always laugh when you tickle her. Sure, she's amused and she'll play along, but rarely does she respond with that delicious belly laugh that I just can't get enough of.

Oddly, she's always found some humor in Hank Bob Speckled Pants. She likes when he is doing something wrong and we're yelling, "Git Back Here, Hanky!" She laughs at his shadow on the sidewalk and she laughs when he pulls us from the other end of his leash.

This morning, I wasn't trying to be entertaining. I was doing a CESAR MILAN trick of "shh-ing" Hank, instead of saying his name to get him to stop whatever bad behavior he was up to. From across the room, Rosa Jane belly laughed. She likes the loud "shh-ing" sound. I got out the camera and recorded this little video.

Try to ignore the fact that she is holding that icky dog bone so close to her mouth and enjoy the video clip:

RosaJane 7.1 mos Laughs and Crawls on Vimeo

1 comment:

Sgulde said...

Okay, that's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. "Shhh.... Shhhhhh... Shhhhh, Rosa Jane!"