Tuesday, May 1

Graduates, Turn Ya Tassles!

pixiegraduates 159.JPGI have writer's block. Nothing interesting to write comes to mind. I'll just have to leave it that we had a wonderful time celebrating all the pixie's accomplishments in Ann Arbor without any of the hassle of moving her stuff. Sweet deal, eh? Rosa Jane-on-a-Stick was a big hit with Rosa Jane herself, as well as other babies and kids whose parents were brave enough to bring them along to all the ceremonies.

Bill Clinton gave an inspiring address to an unsecured audience. No one could believe that it really was tougher to watch a Michigan football game than to get into the stadium to watch commencement ceremony with an Ex-president speaker. Thankfully, there were no mishaps and the event turned downright sunny by the end.

My friend Lisa is visiting from San Francisco and took pictures of a busy, busy RJ toddler for the national campaign at Picture People this morning. We'll see if she ends up in a mailbox near you. At least she was happy. We took Hank, too... and that just turned out to be a bad deal. He's so damn manic! But I suppose it could have been worse -- peeing and poopin' everywhere or just plain bolting out the door. He didn't do any of that... so I am thankful.

Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my day as baby-free. AHHH, what a relief it is to be without a walking toronado for a few precious moments.

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