Wednesday, May 16

There's a distinct difference between the Worst Dog in the World and

Hanky eats like there's no tomorrow. He's never been particular -- he'll eat fruit, nuts, vegetables and eggs not to mention steak.
He's never been much of a so-called "chewer". He prefers to gulp his food.

That's why I was so surprised to see a grapeless stem on the floor. Somehow he picked the grapes off the stem, yet didn't chew them. I know this because we left him inside alone for a bit. When we came home from our walk around the neighborhood this morning, Hank was waiting patiently by the door.

When RJ opened the door, he bolted for the yard only to promptly throw up the whole grapes.

So, there's the difference, ladies and gentlemen.

There's a real thoughtful dog.


Fulmer Fam said...

Hey and it is a good thing he threw them up because grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs! Just call me Ms. Sunshine.

Kristen said...

Wow, really?! He's been eating grapes for years!

Fulmer Fam said...
yep check this site out, we use to feed them to our dogs too, our German Shepherd, Nikita loved them.

Sgulde said...

Hey Ms Sunshine... stay away from my blog with that kind of love shining down. ;)

Fulmer Fam said...

Truly I am only looking out for Hankie :P