Wednesday, September 5

Happy September, Y'all!

So, it's officially the 5th day of September and as a Wednesday, that means it's trash day in the hill country. But more importantly I feel it's safe to start pumping up the birthday festivities we'll soon be celebrating in our home. I have been accused of making too big a deal about my birthday and I was ready to just have a small party for the peanut's second, but lo and behold I got a kick-in-the-pants wakeup call when Donr reminded me last week that it's the peanut's SILVER birthday quickly approaching.

In case you've forgotten about the order of birthday specialness as spelled out in black & white in the October 17, 2005 journal entry, it's worth a look back.

Over Labor Day weekend Honey was bellyachin' about how all her most special birthdays have come and gone and no one noticed.

I ask you, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound?" I think not.
You gotta gather up the troops and make a racket!!

So there I was sitting on Honey's bed racking my brain about other significant birthdays. We added up all the digits: 9+2+3+1+9+7+3. And that's when it came to me! Another grand reason to celebrate: It's my "digi-licious" birthday! The sum of all my birthday numbers = 34. Rock on! and Fire up!

Make no mistake, no presents are necessary. I just need to be reaffirmed that I'm still the coolest person on the planet even if motherhood has subtracted a bit from my starshine power.


Sgulde said...

4 more years...

Kristen said...

I don't know, sal. You might have missed it. According to my math skillz it's 28. but for you, i'd consider leaving the 10 together.

Fulmer Fam said...

You are hilarious, I love the tree analogy, it works for you!