Wednesday, September 19

Today I was schooled

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we went to church this morning to participate in a mom2mom group. rosa jane and i quickly had to go our separate ways, but we weren't quite ready. they said, "it's better just to leave." it felt the most terrible. i think she was set off by the chaos of other children's crying, because she is happy as a clam at her other school group. today her cries caught me off guard and as i went to find my seat i could help but fight back tears, too. well, i didn't fight them off so well. as the morning worn on it was wonderful for me and her teachers said she sang the loudest. i'm looking forward to this new weekly routine. hopefully rj will fall in line, too.

PS i write this as she is playing in her crib... again defying her nap. i'm being schooled about who's in control. certainly not me.

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