Monday, October 27

Wish You Were Here

I wish you were here sitting next to me as Rosa Jane flitters this way and that way talking in non-stop run-on and on and on sentences saying the same thing over and over and over again until some how you can interject that you understand. It's so hard not to crack up at her. I just adore her so.

Tuesday, October 21

Rainbow Face

Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
We went to the pumpkin patch where RJ picked out the perfect rainbow art for her face. She was so stinkin' thrilled with it. Her friends quickly followed suit.

Today Don dropped RJ off at school and a boy whom he did not recognize came up to them and said, "I'm glad Rosa Jane is here!"

What a sweet thing to have heard. I love that our little girl is well-loved by her friends. Love is what makes the world go around. And speaking of love, the reindeer and i just celebrated our seventh year of wedded bliss with the best sushi we've ever had in our lives. And it's just down the street in Austin-town.

Saturday, October 18

What's Down There?

Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
We went for a hike this morning in the woods near our house. It was glorious! The perfect company. The perfect 63 degree weather. The perfect place to be. Before we knew it, we'd hiked too far for the kids to walk back to the car so Don had to run ahead and meet us. While we were waiting, I introduced the kids to a riveting game of Rocks, Paper, Scissors. Is it any surprise now that they are three, they no longer want to use two fingers for scissors? I let them use their three and it was no doubt their favorite thing. I kept pulling out my Rock and crushing them. Sometimes I'd be paper just to shake it up and give them something to cut. They loved it. I loved it. We came home and had the perfect breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. Listening to James Taylor.

For sure, this was a morning to remember. Now, if only she'll take a nap before we head to the pumpkin patch this afternoon....

Sunday, October 12

Funny Rosita in a Purple Coat.

Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
It's 70 degrees here -- chilly!! So we donned our coats and drank our morning drinks on the front porch. I was watching Rosie flutter this way and that way, just dying to go get my camera. She's now at the age where I have to ask if it's okay. She was saying, "no" i don't like my picture taken... and then we said, "come on, do it for William! the ones you love love seeing new pictures of you. trust us."
And so she did these for William. Lucky for us he's coming over for dinner tonight.