Tuesday, December 13


It's all downhill from here... Rosa Jane is quickly approaching 3 months or as Don prefers (because it doesn't sound so old) 12 weeks. I like to convert to months because that is what the lay person can understand. There is no math involved. I've been on the receiving end of many of those conversations where the new mom proudly says, "he's 17 weeks old!" And there I am left struggling to do the math as to what that really means. Weeks meant nothing to me. Don and I agree on one thing: the counting of days at this point is for the crazy people. Nevertheless, as of today, RJ has been around for 80 sunrises and sunsets.

Back in the days of the early KB and Donr courtship, quarters meant something to us, too. In our business life, we would plan budgets and conduct regular marketing performance reviews at the end of each quarter. When we were first married for a full quarter, we couldn't resist the urge to do a performance review over a sushi dinner. And now come the weekend, our little Rosa Jane will pass the Q1 mark. We look back on her progress both in her newborn-ness and as a contributing member of our family and match it up to those goals and predictions that we set for ourselves.

(Don't worry, Rosa Jane, this won't hurt a bit. We do this out of love.)
Part Longhorn, Part Lobster. 100% Texas Monkey.

Like most newborns, Rosa Jane required extra coaxing to sleep at night during those early days. Sweet Daddy would let her sleep on his chest night after night so that she and Momma would get some good zzz's nevermind the effect on darling Daddy. Though we've always been smitten with Miss RJ, lately, I'd say we're both incredibly and overwhelmingly in love with her. The way she converses with us and is starting to respond to our jokes, it's clear that we are big fans of each other. We predict in early Q2, she'll be full out laughing and will properly respond to "flooffing" on her belly. Rosa Jane holds her head up very well and has begun to find more interest and interaction with her playmat kicking gyms.

It's funny to realize all the changes that have happened within me, too. For instance, as a studio photographer I saw many, many infant babies and I always recognized the baby's uniqueness and specialness. I admired the pride and love each new mother exuded over her darling one. However, I was always convinced that the little one was really just a blob who couldn't do much. True, infants can't do much but stick to where you put them, but there is so much more to an infant that I now recognize and appreciate. I just want to squeeze Rosa Jane all the time and pushing her smile button brings great joy.

The facts are these: Rosa Jane is cuter than cute and stronger than strong and smarter than smart. In short, she's our pride and joy. It's amazing how I find my emotions tied so closely to hers. If that evil Gas Monster has a frightening hold on her belly and causing most discomfort, then I, too, won't rest until we rid ourselves of him. I hurt when she hurts. I find delight where she finds delight. I can only imagine the number growing up with Rosa Jane will do on my nervous system. No doubt, I'm looking forward to every moment, but I'm just wondering if we could skip some of the heartbreak and live happily ever after in Utopia? Pretty please??

Meanwhile, Don is busy teaching Rosa Jane to say, "My name is Rosa Jane. Who are YOU?" And that makes me laugh. He has a way with words and I love the way he is with our daughter.

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