Sunday, April 22

Now I Understand Everything

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Okay, just kidding. I don't really understand everything, but I DO now understand why families drop off from the blog-world when their child hits about the 18/19th month marker. Life becomes extremely busy protecting your child from the dangers of "playing alone." A couple of times I have stepped away and come back to find RJ completely lathering up her dolls in Aquaphor and other such goodness. Yikes!

So, here I've posted some pictures doing what we do... eat, sleep, play, sing and above all else: avoid all the stores! RJ's curiosity for those perfectly folded shirts and pants get destroyed in a matter of seconds. She's all over the place. I've joked with friends that we don't just need a leash, we need the accompanying straight jacket as essential going out wear. And maybe that's why I've stopped taking her out alone. She's testing Mama and she knows which buttons to push.

We made our first trip to the zoo on a chilly morning and decided the trail was a little too rough for our made-for-the-mall stroller. Rosie is loving preschool and starting to like the other kids. She practices saying their names "Chase" and "Kylie" all the time.

Ever since Don got his guitar last month we've been graced with the rhythm of the blues. We all love it. Here you see RJ being played to while dining. Only the finest entertainment for our baby.

Enjoy the pictures. I've got to run. Bye now.

1 comment:

Fulmer Fam said...

Does that include me :) the understanding part that is.