Friday, April 13

Taking One Day at a Time

Rosa Jane and I are transitioning through the break that preschool provides both of us. Yesterday, I found myself wishing outloud that I wish it were easier -- in that I wish she didn't cling to me & cry so much when I drop her off. I realized what a foolish wish it was right after I heard myself say it. I know it gives me comfort to know that she loves me so much and misses me when I'm gone. I also know that it's in the messy times that we grow so much. Still, I look forward to the day when Rosa Jane is just as excited to see her friends at school as she is her friends that live just down the street. I like seeing her "jumping out of her skin" excited and that's just how she is with Addison and Kate.

On our days together, we're really enjoying each other and doing stuff together and not just working around all the other stuff I feel I have to do -- like laundry and toilet bowl cleaning. I get that stuff done when we're apart. I'm feeling like a normal person again since I've let go of that struggle to get it all done when she's around. Peace of mind and deep breaths. We're taking it one day at a time and truly enjoying Texas in the Springtime. Love it!

On a side note, our friend Robyn is in town this weekend and we can't wait to catch up with her. We're also planning a trip to Beantown. I've talked to some of my ol' friends there and can't wait to see them! Kdogg, look out!! And then there's the joy of another photographer friend from Beantown who moved to CA who is quite potentially moving to Austin. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

And lastly we'll give a heartfelt shout out to our kitchenless friends in Chitown. May the construction go by in a blink of an eye and the places to be outside of the house be unlimited. Fire up, Buttercup and make it happen!


Cheryl said...

I don't suppose you are coming to beantown before May 20 are you?

Kristen said...

nope, after... i guess we'll just have to see you in austin!

Fulmer Fam said...

Wowzee, I am so impressed! Yep and be glad she cries because Thomas never does and it makes me kind of sad because now it is a joke with his teacher and when I pick him up does he run to me like all the others, nope, he wants to stay and play, that's my boy, the social butterfly though.

Richardsons of HV said...

Hang in there, sista! It gets easier being a mom...

Sgulde said...

Thanks for the shout out! And no worries...she'll stop crying... ;) In the meantime, congrats on the clean come clean mine.