Monday, June 4

Happy 4th Birthday, Stupid Dog

junedock 109.jpgOkay, so I mostly love this dog and have for a good 4 years now. But last night when he woke me up to go outside at 4am and only have me find cold poop on the carpet next to the door (he never has that kind of accident, sure we'll come home to find the trash strewn across the living room or as the case was yesterday 1/2 box of Fruit Leathers devoured), I wasn't so happy with him. Not to mention he took forever outside because there is some varmit that hides out under our front porch at night. You've seen that obsessed look Hanky gets. Well, it was no different at 4 a.m.

So Happy Stinking Birthday, dog. May you live to see another one despite your attraction to foods that may kill you --raisins and chocolate.

Sorry the party has been cancelled. The dog is grounded until further notice.


Drew, Amber and Megan said...

what the heck is a fruit leather??

Kristen said...

It's like a fruit rollup, but flat and 100% natural. We found these little gems at costco over the weekend. They are individually wrapped in plastic... so no telling how much of that Hank ingested, too.
Like I said. Stupid dog.

Man, I'm so jealous of your new home, by the way! That enclosed swimming pool!? I want it!!