Monday, June 11

Mighty Frightening!

thunderstorm cloudsFriday we left hot Austin for even hotter Richland. We arrived around 8, just before the scariest thunderstorm hit, or at least what felt like the scariest storm from the inners of a doublewide trailer. We couldn't believe Rosa Jane slept through the entire storm. Seriously folks, it sounded like bolts of lightening were striking all around us. I remembered that guy from Caddy Shack who was struck by lightening some 99 times. What a character!

The power came back on about 12 hours later. Just before we truly melted in place.

Last time we were in Richland at Easter there was no hot water. This time there was no AC or ice cream. Hmm, one can only wonder what will be missing next time. The good news is we all got a little exercise on the new paddle boat. Too bad steering is such an issue.

The highlight of the trip? When Hank jumped into the tank thinking me and the kids were setting sail from him forever. In all his life he has proven to not be a water dog, but this time he swam like an otter and kept trying to get aboard the boat. No, thanks, Hank. No wet dogs on board. He was gasping and gurgling. Brett, Rosa Jane and I were laughing like crazy. Don was just plain annoyed from the shoreline.

We've entered a new era of chatting with Rosa Jane. I can no longer understand what she is saying as she seems to make up her own language.

1 comment:

Fulmer Fam said...

Too funny, I full understand about the chatting, I mean seriously it is like Thomas is dah dah dah so there mama and I am like okay whatever son. Our speech person told me to talk with him about whatever he is doing when he does that like yeh that is really good block stacking etc, versus trying to make some sense from the jabber. Who knows it is just so cute.