Monday, November 26

Bye, Bye Sweet Pie. I'll Miss You.

I already miss you. I love pie. Pumpkin and Cherry Pies are my favorite. But with everybody gone and a boy who won't help eat them, I had to dump them down the disposal. Otherwise I could have just added them to my butt.

Some of you will be shocked to know I've started running. I pretend a big black bear is chasing me on the treadmill and that keeps me motivated. Three miles overlooking beautiful hill country with Gnarles Barkley screaming, "CRAZY!!" in my ears roughly 2-3 times a week. I love the way I'm feeling -- I can get through a basket of laundry, washed, dried AND folded in no time.

Still, I love pie. And I miss you.


Drew, Amber and Megan said...

I hate pie, they are all mushy!! I like looking at them but that's as far as it goes! Keep up the running that is awesome!

Nik said...

I love your writing style - you are so funny and make me laugh! Good for you exercising!

Kristen said...

thanks for the affirmations. confession: tonight we make brownies to curb my need for sugar. holidays are terrible!!

Sgulde said...

I too have pie in my frig that needs to go down the disposal. I, however, hate running and have a bum leg so I have a doctors note for being such a fat ass. I should do SOMETHING though. What should I do? Hmmm...