Thursday, November 15

Just when I thought we were back to normal

Sweet Sweet Feverish Rosa JaneRJ awoke with 104 degree fever yesterday afternoon. I was all ready to tell you how she's sleeping late -- 6:30 and taking regular naps. So we've been homebound while running a few errands. I don't know how kids do it, or especially RJ. With her high temps, I just know she has to be feeling bad, but she's still singing songs and playing and running and skipping and wanting to go for long walks around the block.

On Monday we went to a playgroup event and it always makes me question whether I'm doing the right thing. Since there are so many other mothers out there doing the fulltime stay at home with absolutely no outside help, i.e. preschool/daycare, whathaveyou.
Then comes a day like today. A day when RJ is regularly scheduled to be at school and while I enjoy the time with her, I'm still chomping at the bit to get more done, whether that's mopping the floors or putting together outstanding photo work.

Balance. It's so delicate and delicious when accomplished.


Cheryl said...

I think when its all said and done a couple things will turn up (this from the unexperienced mind of a child-less 20-something).
1) She'll probably have an easier time adjusting to Kindergarten because time away from Mommy will be normal. It won't be shocking and she can spend that first year of school soaking up the ABC's, not wishing she could tell time to know when you'd return.
2) So long as you and the full-time Mommys continue to love your kids and inundate them with hugs and kisses, they will all turn out as equally successful as possible.

Fulmer Fam said...

full time shmull time it is all good.