Christmas came early this year. Our next door neighbors moved away and left behind this great playscape for Rosie Posie. She LOVES it with pretty much all her heart.
We already miss our neighbors a ton and await anxiously who will be the next to move-in. Will they be the quiet type with a no-barking dog? We can only hope . . .
Amen to the jealousy. What the...28º outside right now. I just got a note from Francy's school that was reminding parents that the kids play outside everyday unless it's 20º or lower. Isn't that nuts? I gotta get out of here.
Can't wait to come & see the tree in person very soon!
i'm so jealous that it's warm enough to be outside!
Amen to the jealousy. What the...28º outside right now. I just got a note from Francy's school that was reminding parents that the kids play outside everyday unless it's 20º or lower. Isn't that nuts? I gotta get out of here.
Poor little Francis - has to play outside in the freezing weather. I would hate going to her school.
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