Saturday, September 27

Officially Three and Dressed to Kill.

Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
Pow. Pow! Admit it. You're dead. On the floor writhing in pain at the sight of such cuteness meeting your eye.


I'm kidding.

These will make RJ's official three portrait pictures. Now if only I'll get them printed. The clothes are by Matilda Jane. Stinkin' adorable!


Mommy said...

OMG, so "stinkin' adorable" totally. So grown up looking. I have decided this is the year of losing the baby look, it has happened, my boy is tall and skinny and there are only small glimpses of the baby being left behind.

Kristen said...

No! you're to keep your children chubby-cheeked for ever! Do whatever you have to. Whatever it takes should be your creed.