Thursday, September 22

Two, Four, Six, Eight, Everyone Evacuate

What normally would take my parents under 3 hours to drive took them 6 and 1/2 hours yesterday and last night because of all the traffic evacuating the Houston area. The best thing to remember in this time is that you can rebuild homes and businesses, it's the lives that you can't.

They probably left my cat. She lived through the flood of 1994 and came out the other side with a complete personality change. Pretty strange.

I watched a show on National Geographic the other day about a wild animal rescue service that didn't know what to do with their animals when there was a threat of serious flooding. Since then, I haven't been able to get the images out of my head. Crazy tigers and lions mad as all get out that they were trapped in a cage. You know the animals sense bad weather. What the heck does the Houston Zoo do with all their animals? You can't exactly put them on a leash and head out.

We're on the books to be admitted to the hospital next Tuesday night. Women do this everyday, but I'm feeling pretty scared.

To be continued ...


Nik said...

Hi Kristen- it's Nicole in Nash. I really hate that we never had the chance to catch up. I've enjoyed reading your blog...

I understand you being scared about having the baby. I've been there! Don't worry - I know you'll do fine! Just think about the sweet baby that will be in your arms soon...

Take care!

Kristen said...

Hey Nicole! It's awesome to hear from you! We must catch up soon! I've linked your blog so at the very least we can stay updated electronically. Thanks for writing!