Sunday, May 28

Makin' It OURS!

All day yesterday the painters were busy gussy-ing up our new place. Nothing like a fresh coat of ORANGE to brighten your day and make you smile... Sure, it served a jolt to walk into the room before the paint was dry, but after putting up some accessories, I'm confident we'll love this color for a long, long time. The painters are also working on our living room and front bath cabinets. By the time they are done they will look like real wood and be all distressed-like. We'll have the final results by Tuesday.

We're gonna fix up the outside, too.New orange-brown paint for all the front doors and porch posts and add black shutters and light fixtures. By the time we're done, we'll be ready to move in and never, ever leave.... As if we weren't already jumping to do so. Man, we love this house.

Click on the picture to see more....

1 comment:

katherine petillo said...

congrats on the new home you guys. we can't wait to come back to austin and see it in person.