Wednesday, May 3

Money Changes Everything

Last Friday our bank account balance read $7.75 after a check went through that we weren't prepared for. I went to the bank to fight with them to release the holds on my deposits. Today I went back to the bank to deposit our entire life savings of coins found between the cushions -- some thirty pounds of hamiltons and lincolns. The experience between this week and last week couldn't have been more different. Today, with the proceeds from our condo sell in hand, they were falling all over themselves to be nice to me. That's why it was even more ironic when I thanked my lucky stars when the parking for moms with babies spot was available when I needed it most at the local HEB. I was unstrapping little RJ and fastening her into the baby bjorn when this woman yelled at me from her white Lexus SUV, "... that her friend had given her this spot and she was "circling around" to take the spot herself... that was when I nabbed it. I said, "oh really, I didn't know..."

"Sure," I said. Thinking she must have 5 snotty bratty kids. I backed into the spot directly across the aisle and proceeded to get RJ out. As it turned out, Ms. Poohead has just one 5 yr old... old enough to walk and not be so much trouble. I just glared at her and followed her throughout the store.

I bought daisies to make me feel better. Meanwhile, I hate that woman and her mean ways.


Drew, Amber and Megan said...

Wow, I just got caught up with all of your new home pics. Beautiful house. You guys are so lucky, that place is awesome!

Kristen said...

Thank you! You'll have to come over sometime and play! Where are your new digs? I couldn't tell how far y'all moved...

Sgulde said...

What the hell? I want to ball that woman up and throw her away... that inspires me to blog about my mean woman experience this week. Stay tuned... ;)

Sgulde said...

You're rich! You're rich!!! I have a rich friend who is going to buy me things and send me surprise checks in the mail, and pay my mortgage anonymously. Ah... I'm so lucky!