Sunday, May 14

So Happy I Could Cry

We have had a really sweet day with Miss Rosa Jane. Don surprised me with a four-page note written to Rosa Jane all about our interactions as Mother and Daughter. It made me cry.

In the picture, Rosa Jane is laughing so hard being in her Daddy's secure arms. Click on the pictures to see more from today.


Sgulde said...

Happy Happy Mother's Day! What an awesome surprise... a four page note... sweet, sweet, sweet...

donr said...

As always, my wife is far too modest. My note to Rosa Jane documented just a tiny fraction of the amazing, selfless and life-affirming things Kristen has done for our daughter during these early months that Rosa Jane will not remember. Every word I wrote is true. I suggested to the older Rosa Jane, the Rosa Jane reading the note, that the truest tribute she could pay to her mother would be to give her own children the bounty that Kristen has given her...

Happy Mother's Day, all you inspiring women we are blessed to know!