Friday, May 5

Pulling Up to Get a Better View

Pulling Up to Get a Better View
Rosa Jane makes her move to get on with life as a walking, talking human-being.

Tired of her baby limitations, she crawls fast and pulls up on things (furniture, mom's pant leg, etc) for a new perspective on life. When she doesn't like being put down for a nap, she now climbs up the railings and stands there screaming off her fool head... hoping anyone will come save her. I like to send Hanky into her room to distract her from crying. Too bad he doesn't like being in the same room with a crybaby. What's a Mom to do?

Here are a few things Rosa Jane brakes for: magazines, paper, pens, computer cords, a real-live cell phone, TV remote controls, and especially the boing, boing sound of the door-stopper. Honey will be apalled at this next one: Hanky's water bowl, but Rosa Jane likes the big swishing mess it makes.
Notice I didn't mention any of her toys.

At Tuesday's playgroup, several moms were awed by how fast RJ is getting around when compared to their 8 and 9 month old babies. I just tried to tell them it wasn't necessarily a good thing. But still, I'm crazy mad for her. I mean, just look at her, will ya? Impossible not to love.

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