Saturday, October 8


Don is constantly telling me what a great mother I am and how he can't believe how wonderful and patient I am with her, even when she is most upset (which is hardly ever).

I can't believe how all-caps WONDERFUL my dear husband has been at fathering little RJ. He takes her to and fro and gives me all the time I need to take care of myself and just heal after the ordeal of childbirth. RJ has definitely taken to her big, sweetheart daddy. Nobody really talks about all the healing the mother needs to do, but I know that I couldn't be a mother if I didn't have all his love and support the way I do. It's this unbelievably amazing circle of love thing. My cup runneth over.

And if all that weren't enough good news, little miss Rosa Jane is thriving and getting bigger! She's gained a 1/2 pound and while she measured 19 3/4 tall on her birth day, she's shrunk to 19 1/2. We're not surprised with the size of her precious little cone head. Little precious cat.

A friend suggested that I give the camera to Don and get in some of the pictures with RJ, but I was talking with the Pixie (my stepdaughter) who said she didn't really want to be in any pictures with RJ because she couldn't stand not being the "cuter one" in the photograph. I have to say I feel the same way. Pretty stiff competition. I'm only half-kidding.

Precious dearheart is squirming, so I better git. It's a beautiful 66 degree day today. Make it a great one!

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