Tuesday, November 21

Meeting our new neighbor

Less than a month ago we got new neighbors. I was thrilled to find out they have a little one who is just right for RJ. Addison at 12mos and her nanny dropped by yesterday for an impromptu playdate. I loved having the company, but meeting a new adult friend and trying to referee grabby hands and a baby who doesn't know the concept of sharing is rough. It made me wonder if playing together will no longer be easy going, but rather making amends for embarassing behavior. Should we bar the door and keep to ourselves? Sally assures me it's just a phase, but still I'm wondering do we have a good egg or a bad one? Where's my little girl that gives kisses to everyone? ;-)

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

but look how cute the neighbor girl is! She and RJ are going to make for a super fun and probably one day trouble making duo...the best kind :)