Tuesday, November 7


Vote Rocker
Get out and vote, it's the coolest thing you can do today! I'm hoping for a new governor and if more people vote maybe things will change. I got my fingers criss-crossed.

Let it be noted that today RJ is the model baby. She slept from 8pm - 6am. This is a record for some many weeks she's been waking at various times throughout the night teething and just crying. Then she went down for a morning nap at about 9:30 am, so I baked in the AM. SO FUN!!! It's a new found pleasure. At 11, I woke her up and took her to the retirement community for bingo hour. We came home for lunch -- Sally's delicious chicken salad. We voted at 2ish. Came home and now she's napping again. I love when this girl naps! It's not so much what I do or get to do, it's just *INSIDE* I know it's going to be a less frustrating play time and therefore less stressful. Babies that nap are happy babies. Moms that have babies that nap are happy moms. Everybody wins.

1 comment:

Sgulde said...

Amen, Amen, Amen... babies that nap are good. Speaking of, Francis has been resisting the nap for the last couple of days. I'll put her down at 1pm and she'll chat in the crib for almost an hour before actually falling asleep. She'll be upstairs and I can hear her yelling "Mommy, I not tired. I awake!" I just pretend not to hear it. ;) Eventually, she falls asleep...

Oh yeah, I voted today. Unfortunately, I can't help you with your plight for a new Texas governor, but I did my best. Go women voters! Voting is cool.