Monday, November 6

Save Our Rack!

After a mostly sleepless night with RJ, I got up at 6 and headed out the door by 6:15 to meet Sarah and her Burnet friends. We were headed downtown to participate in the Race for the Cure. Just minutes from the start they drop the bomb that we're running. Sarah ran most of the whole thing. I'd say I ran half. I hate to run. But it was for a good cause and it was lots of fun to see 21,000 other people doing it, too.

While we were in college, Sarah lost her mother to breast cancer and I'll never forget my friend in Nashville, Elizabeth Powitzky who lost her battle when she was just 30 years old.

Let's find the CURE!!!


Sgulde said...

Go job girlfriend... you keep running those races and tell me all about it. ;)

Cheryl said...

way to go Kristen :) My grandma just started chemo for breast cancer so I appreciate your hard work in a way I can't even express