Thursday, January 11

Friday Night Lights

I think it's official that you could call the Roedner household the biggest fans of NBC's Friday Night Lights. Every week we patiently wait for the new episode and when it's not on, we're frequently found watching the back episodes on at the computer. We quote Coach Taylor often and we ponder aloud about what will happen next week.

Earlier this week I learned about the passing of one of my all time favorite teachers, Coach Nicky Vaught. He taught us about geography in the sixth grade and took a bunch of us kids on the trip of lasting impressions to Washington D.C. He died of cancer at the age of 54. I was reading his obituary here and was overwhelmed by the similarities between all the traits I like about Coach Erik Taylor on TV and the bigger than life Coach Vault. The real life version is much better but there's an aching hole with what he has left behind. Coach inspired so many and will be missed by all. Here's to you and the example you set, Coach.

You can read his obituary here: follow the obituary link.

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