Tuesday, August 14

A Talk with Rosa Jane about Colors

Rosa Jane Names the Colors from obkb2000 and Vimeo.


Fun Fit Mom Stephanie said...

When I grow up, I want to take pictures just like Kristen! She is the bestest ever!

Kristen said...

Thanks! You too can be a photo star!

btw, for all you that need help on translating and in case you doubted that she really is a brown/roedner mix she says "more chocolate bar."

which really isn't as bad as it sounds, it's a cliff Zbar for kids. full of nutrients and good stuff organically made... or so they tell me.

Sgulde said...

Does she say that one of those crayons is "poo poo"?

Kristen said...

i believe she says, "poo-ple."

Fulmer Fam said...

No, she said "poo poo" to the green, I know she did!