Sunday, October 14

EEK! a Big Hairy Spider!

20071011-IMG_3394.JPGAll day thursday I carried this bag around town, filled to the brim. Friday morning I cleaned it out only to find this big hairy spider that I thought RJ had made it from pipe-cleaners. Sure it was realistic, but my two-year old is amazing, dontcha know. When I saw it flinch I about jumped outta my skin. I still can't figure out what kind of spider it is.

If you can figure it out, please tell me. It's big, with black hairy legs and a brown flat-ish body. Very hairy. and did I mention CREEPY?


Sgulde said...

It's a Texas Tarantula. ;)

This story is funny because a friend of Matt's just talked about driving through Texas and having one cross his path...and scaring the s-h-i-(well, you know) out of him. He wrote asking if Matt encountered these growing up. Matt had never seen one before.

I, on the other hand, remember one very vividly. We were driving into Oklahoma for the first time... to live there from Georgia when I was 5. We pulled over at a gas station and there was a GIANT one walking around the pump area. As a 5 year old imagine my fear moving to this place. That was the only one I've ever seen "in the wild." But I'll never forget it.

Anyway, it's a tarantula, for sure...and surprisingly harmless.

Kristen said...

I've seen two tarantula's since moving here. They were both crossing this backroad to my house. It always gives me the creeps. I don't think this one is a tarantula because it was black and usually t's are reddish brown? I loved your story, though.