Sunday, October 14

Post-Thomas, Mid-laydown

20071011-IMG_3392.JPGShe's not necessarily screaming her headoff she's just curled up with the gravel and dirt on the sidewalk because it's comfortable to her.


Drew, Amber and Megan said...

This is disturbing, and hilarious at the same time!

Sgulde said...

So hilarious. Sometimes I just want to lay down in the road too. ;)

SpeakeasyDC said...

Where's a good dirt pile when you need one?* Kb, you tell peanut that when I come and visit, we're goin' dirt pile shopping. This time, dirt's on me.

*look at me, I'm now a "comment leaver".

Kristen said...

Wow! I am blowaway by robyn's comment. She really has come a long way into the world of technology. Welcome, my friend. Can't wait to see what dirt piles you'll find "offline" as the donr says.
