Monday, October 8

Mommy, Sit down. Mommy, Sit down. Sit down, Mommy.

smartie pants, rjSometimes (on very rare occasions) I'll find myself engrossed in my computer, catching up on the news or email or just looking at photos. My darling daughter will stand next to me and repeat herself until she's blue in the face and I look up to assess the situation. Today, I looked up to find this scene.

Funny, Rosa Jane. I do believe I will have a seat. Thanks.

In other musings, I admit to being terrified that my once cute-as-pie and could do-no-wrong-ever daughter has grown up to be a monster toddler who pays no attention to her mother. Yes, I know she's testing me, but to have her repeat back to me the things we've said to her is a bit unnerving. For example, she now demands her milk saying, "i want some milk right now, mommy." And for a while she could take or leave Baby Princess, she now seems to be a staple that we have to lug around everywhere. No other baby will do and she is the largest, by now rattiest-looking cabbage patch kid ever.

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