Tuesday, January 15

Ain't That a Kick in the Head?

life - january 08
Right after Christmas, we took down Rosa Jane's crib and she's been sleeping in her big girl bed. At first we still dealt with random crying in her bed in the middle of the night and having to go to her. A couple of mornings I came into her room and couldn't find her, but could hear her wimpering. She was UNDER her bed with no covers in a cold room.

Then one morning at 5am, she discovered that she could get out of her bed and come to us. What a more pleasant way to start the day -- the sound of pitterpatter on the hardwoods and the occassional bump into one of her misplaced toys on the floor. I thought this was a pretty good deal and it has become her recent habit to come into our room in the 6ish hour to awaken us.

Over the weekend Rosa Jane woke up twice during the middle of the night and came into our room. This meant near sleepless nights for Don and me. I couldn't figure out what was going on.

I started my usual projecting, second-guessing what could I be guilty of this time while trying to do my best parenting my little precious peanut. Maybe she doesn't like her bed. Maybe it's too uncomfortable, too hard and we need to get a new mattress for her. I kept these thoughts to myself, but it was definitely a chant in the back of my head.

Last night as Don was putting RJ down for the night, he had a little talk with her about how if she wakes up, she can just roll over. Roll over and pull up her sheets and get all cozy again and fall back asleep. It must have worked because when she came into our room at 6:30 we praised her how proud we were that she stayed in bed all night. She beamed.

This morning I noticed while brushing her teeth that she has three new 2 yr old molars busting through her gums. That explains the sleepless nights!

Just when we think we have all the answers, we forget to check the most obvious of places. Parenting is tough and I always feel like a huge dunce when the problem is so simple and yet so over looked.
Forgive us, Rosa Jane. We're doing the best we can.


Unknown said...

I know in my heart that you are an amazing mother. I am so proud that you do your best because that's all anyone of us can do.

Kristen said...

thanks kdogg. that makes me teary. i miss you.

Sgulde said...

I wish there was a "fav" button on blog entries. I loved this. It feels all too familiar. ;) You're doing a super duper job with that RJ - don't second guess.