Thursday, January 10

baby angel makes her so happy.

baby angel makes her so happy.
baby angel got her name after the nativity scene's angel. i love that my daughter listens to people's names and names her baby dolls after people she knows and the names really stick time after time.

here are some funny things coming from the lips of the babe:
"bless you, daddy" after hearing don sneeze in kitchen upon returning from his "fast walk." don went in her bedroom to check on her and she was curled up, face down still in bed just barely awake.

"they're not doing it." after the teacher said, "Rosa Jane, you don't have to clean up after the other kids. Let them do it!"

"thank you mommy for this delicious dinner" after we all sit down to eat whatever i pulled together at the 11th hour.

"i wanna watch barney."


Fulmer Fam said...

Ok, you got me on the delicious dinner part. You really need to get the poor child her own baby sling - check here -

Cheryl said...

I feel that I need to come over for a play date. Pronto

Kristen said...

cheryl, I think so, too!

Fulmer Fam said...

you gotta get this for RJ