Wednesday, March 12

brett, you're funny!

brett, you're funny!i have the best husband in the whole world. he's allowing me to change up the rooms in the house. how exciting is that?!
thank you, everybody!!!

also, today I was shown what true love is. well, reminded. there are always reminders everywhere.

my cool cat city friend autumn invited us to the dog park with her & her clan -- two pups and two girls. people were kind to say hank is "so alert" while playing frisbee. there are no two ways about it. the dog is MANIC about the frisbee. totally fixated. and won't ever give up. so we're throwing and throwing the frisbee and then i decide to throw it in the lake. oops. it starts to sink and hank is pretty much ignorant when it comes to deep water and frisbee-love, so he's pacing looking for it. i'm ready to call it a wash. let's move on, people. nothing to see here. but sweet friend autumn rolls up her sleeves and pant legs and wades into the ice cold water to get my stupid dog's frisbee back.

i needed my camera. this was love in action.

i've sensed this same love from my own mother towards hank bob speckled pants. the woman has no love for dogs, but somehow he still gets embroidered towels with his name on them from her on Christmas day.

so lots of love happening everywhere from all angles. from the love remembered on our anniversary to right now in this moment.

this is a grand and magical life. i am so pleased to be a part of it. thank you.

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