Thursday, March 13

If you like hopping two year olds, you'll love this video.

It's so very elusive to get a two year old to act natural on video. I've so been wanting to get her singing along with Smashmouth's All Star because it is one of the little things that makes me so happy... hearing her sing, "she was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead" at least her version in toddler-speak. so last night after dinner she requested some dance time to her favorite song and I thought it would be the perfect time to catch a tiger by its toe. I didn't get her singing as much as she usually does, but this hopping bit is purdy hilarious and she does sing my favorite line. So enjoy my friends.

This is Funny. Kinda from obkb2000 on Vimeo.


Fulmer Fam said...

I fall down, I love the way toddlers do a running commentary of their actions and day, it is adorable, Thomas does it too.

Sgulde said...

Few things are cuter than what I just saw.