Monday, March 24

Six Easy Steps for an Easter to Remember.

Step 1: Allow your kid to eat her weight in sugar just prior to having to sit still and quiet during a rural Texas church service.Nothing can contain Rosa Jane's tickle box being overturned by silly cousin Brett, also on noted sugar high.

Step 2: Let the Easter Bunny bring Brett a plastic crab, but tell him to watch out, because "RJ will step on it if given the opportunity!"

Step 3: Allow kids to roam the egg hunt playing field without permission to pick up said eggs in attempt to occupy children while lunch is being prepared.

Step 4: Allow the adults to indulge in wine, the best handmade/homemade Kibbe ever and leave the kids alone in the other room with scissors.

Step 5:After the eggs are hunted up, and the count is on for how many precious spiderman eggs Brett has in his possession, let Granddad be the arbitrator between Brett and RJ. "How about one spiderman egg for your Crab, Brett?" Happiness for oh, about 15 seconds. See attached pictures.

Step 6: Let Granddad renegotiate the crab/spiderman ratio for Brett. This time he says, "Rosa Jane, will you take TWO spiderman eggs for the crab?" Rosa Jane is no dummy. She knows spidermans are worth way more than some silly crab and now she has two!

Poor Brett, on the other hand, just can't be pleased. Despite the lovely lock of hair he cut from Rosa Jane when no one was looking.


Fulmer Fam said...

I wanna see the haircut!

Cheryl said...

schnockered adults and kids with scissors - is that how things will be when I watch the peanut in a few weeks? Should I bring my own wine or do you provide :)