Monday, March 31

BIG Bubble Magic

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Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
Rosa Jane and I were admist our own love fest today leaving Target. I asked, "Do you love me a little bit or a lot, Rosa Jane?"

Her reply, "I love you BIG."

Oh, and that just melts my heart. We've got this kid on our hands that lives BIG. Is there a better way to live really? I just don't think so...

Sunday, March 30

Red loves Purple

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Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
And Rosa Jane loves both. After church today we went to the Little Buckaroo's craft event benefitting the American Cancer Society.

Down with cancer. Up with face paint and purple eyebrows.

Scary Business

going her fastest ever
Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
This week has been trying. For several weeks now RJ has had trouble gagging and choking at meals. I couldn't figure out what gives. After a couple of really frightening experiences, I decided to take her to the good doctor.

The doctor pointed out that Rosa Jane's two-year upper molars are coming in. I guess they were hurting her so much that she wasn't chewing as well as she should. That would explain why she kept saying, "I no like it!"

She was following the recipe of swallow-and-choke method of eating. And we all know that ain't no way to breathe. So, I'm chopping up her food into tiny over-protective particles and not taking any chances.

I think I told y'all a friend of mine from high school lost his two year old to a choked-on grape. I know good and well that any attempt of trying to control every situation and every possible outcome will never work and be plain exhausting, but thinking briefly that the good Lord was trying to take my kid... well, I just couldn't hack it and had to do something.

I'm glad we went to the doctor, I don't think I would have come up with the simple, common sense answer of teething on my own.

Why IS that?

I LOVE this kid. Keep breathing and shining, little one. Keep breathing and shining.

Tuesday, March 25

Finally Uploaded

Some funny pictures of running this way and that way and overall being happy go-lucky preschoolers on spring break on the lake. Ah, such is the good life: all you really need is to put on your puddle jumpin' shoes.
Check out the set on Flickr.

Monday, March 24

The cost of things

Crabs and spiderman eggs offer a valuable lesson in economics.

After the new 'do!

cousin bonds run deep
Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...

Six Easy Steps for an Easter to Remember.

Step 1: Allow your kid to eat her weight in sugar just prior to having to sit still and quiet during a rural Texas church service.Nothing can contain Rosa Jane's tickle box being overturned by silly cousin Brett, also on noted sugar high.

Step 2: Let the Easter Bunny bring Brett a plastic crab, but tell him to watch out, because "RJ will step on it if given the opportunity!"

Step 3: Allow kids to roam the egg hunt playing field without permission to pick up said eggs in attempt to occupy children while lunch is being prepared.

Step 4: Allow the adults to indulge in wine, the best handmade/homemade Kibbe ever and leave the kids alone in the other room with scissors.

Step 5:After the eggs are hunted up, and the count is on for how many precious spiderman eggs Brett has in his possession, let Granddad be the arbitrator between Brett and RJ. "How about one spiderman egg for your Crab, Brett?" Happiness for oh, about 15 seconds. See attached pictures.

Step 6: Let Granddad renegotiate the crab/spiderman ratio for Brett. This time he says, "Rosa Jane, will you take TWO spiderman eggs for the crab?" Rosa Jane is no dummy. She knows spidermans are worth way more than some silly crab and now she has two!

Poor Brett, on the other hand, just can't be pleased. Despite the lovely lock of hair he cut from Rosa Jane when no one was looking.

Wednesday, March 19


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Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
Sunday night dinner with friends makes the quickly approaching Monday morning go down easier. Perhaps it's like a spoonful of sugar helping the medicine go down. Either way, we had a wonderful time at Sophia's and Rosa Jane wailed like we've never seen her do before when it was time to go.

Check out the pictures... there's even one of RJ "looking pretty dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead!"

Spring Break with a Teenager

It's all fun and games and moving heavy objects for this teenager who happens to be my lovely niece. After making sure she was good and stir crazy by keeping her homebound while I obsessed the very best place for quick access to paper clips that I never in a million years use, we went to the mall for a photo adventure on St. Pat's day.

Check out the fun.

Friday, March 14

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! I spied a bluebonnet!

As if you really needed one more tiny reason to be fired up for life.

Here is reason #1,000,459,366:

It's bluebonnet time in Texis! Grab yer boots and cowboy hat and get to frollicking!!

the girls

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Originally uploaded by ..Kristen...
we went on a little hike today. just the girls and me and the trusty camera. we had so so much fun listening for birds and running as fast as we could. towards the end, i heard the magic words, "i'm tired!"

hahaha so they had great naps and i got to work on the computer. my most favorite!

i didn't have the courage to put these behind the lock and key. they're public. i'll probably make the rest of the photos on flickr public, too. i just like sharing too much.

enjoy and watch out for turtles!!

Thursday, March 13

If you like hopping two year olds, you'll love this video.

It's so very elusive to get a two year old to act natural on video. I've so been wanting to get her singing along with Smashmouth's All Star because it is one of the little things that makes me so happy... hearing her sing, "she was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead" at least her version in toddler-speak. so last night after dinner she requested some dance time to her favorite song and I thought it would be the perfect time to catch a tiger by its toe. I didn't get her singing as much as she usually does, but this hopping bit is purdy hilarious and she does sing my favorite line. So enjoy my friends.

This is Funny. Kinda from obkb2000 on Vimeo.

lesson for the day

today, at school drop off, i asked rj's teacher what she loves the most about working with this age group. i asked her because there is a sincere part of me that would adore working with children all day. she hesitated and kinda looked at me like i was crazy for even asking the question. she said it was a hard age because there are so many in the group and she feels like she's changing diapers all day. and there's no changing table because 2.5 - 3yrs are supposed to be toilet trained so that makes diapering an unnecessary challenge. or maybe i should step up RJ's toilet training so she's not so much of a burden.

regardless of what i can do at home, it made me sad that she said that... instead of thinking of their faces, she's thinking about their asses. but then she did add that she had some fun interactions with them.

don't be thinking about the asses, people. there will never be joy in asses.

go forth and prosper!

Wednesday, March 12

Pictures for Friends and Family Only

0003A-Chicago-15All this freedom of public photo sharing has been real fun, but as of late I've received some sketchy email requests from people who want to use my images for their own means. My only response is to take all my images and put them under lock and key.

You can still see them, you'll just have to create a flickr/yahoo account if you don't already have one, and then you'll have to ask to be my friend. When I recognize you, you'll be added to my list and will be able to see all my cards. Sorry for the inconvenience, but a girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.

brett, you're funny!

brett, you're funny!i have the best husband in the whole world. he's allowing me to change up the rooms in the house. how exciting is that?!
thank you, everybody!!!

also, today I was shown what true love is. well, reminded. there are always reminders everywhere.

my cool cat city friend autumn invited us to the dog park with her & her clan -- two pups and two girls. people were kind to say hank is "so alert" while playing frisbee. there are no two ways about it. the dog is MANIC about the frisbee. totally fixated. and won't ever give up. so we're throwing and throwing the frisbee and then i decide to throw it in the lake. oops. it starts to sink and hank is pretty much ignorant when it comes to deep water and frisbee-love, so he's pacing looking for it. i'm ready to call it a wash. let's move on, people. nothing to see here. but sweet friend autumn rolls up her sleeves and pant legs and wades into the ice cold water to get my stupid dog's frisbee back.

i needed my camera. this was love in action.

i've sensed this same love from my own mother towards hank bob speckled pants. the woman has no love for dogs, but somehow he still gets embroidered towels with his name on them from her on Christmas day.

so lots of love happening everywhere from all angles. from the love remembered on our anniversary to right now in this moment.

this is a grand and magical life. i am so pleased to be a part of it. thank you.

Tuesday, March 11

RJ the Train Rider

00032 springbreak-9898Fun times on a train! Check out the rest of the pictures. RJ is really growing like a weed. She sings "All Star" all the time. Today I was teaching her to sing Cheap Trick's "I want You to want me. Didn't I, Didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'?" You should hear her sing it. It's purdy darn cute.

let's go down to the river to pray

let's go down to the river to prayThis is Richland in all it's glory. We arrived just in time for sunset and a delicious fried shrimp dinner. Sunday we took off for Palestine and a train ride on The Little Blue Engine That Could. It all depends on how you think.

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

Monday, March 10

Silence isn't golden

For those of you who are addicted to Kristen's inspiring words and photos, this has to be a tough time. She and the Peanut are spending a few days with Aunt C, having some lakeside fun. It's exceedingly quiet at the Roedner Ranch. Even Hanky, who keeps good distance from me most days, keeps trying to get into my lap. Like I say, exceedingly quiet.

Have courage, Kristen fans. She will be back and reconnected to the Information Superhighway on Wednesday...

Thursday, March 6

friends again

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We hadn't spent time with Kate and Amy in a long, long time. It was a long time overdue and lots of fun.

Happy Belated Birthday, Amy!

Love, all your friends at the Roedner Ranch.

Monday, March 3

Happy Engagement Anniversary!!

_MG_9478Seven years ago on a fateful night, Sweet Donr asked for my hand in marriage. Tonight we celebrate with chinese take out.

Tonight's fortune?

When the moment comes, take the first one from the right.

Sunday, March 2

Woe to be

_MG_9399A girl with long curly hair on a windy, windy day. All pictures taken with a lensbaby.