Tuesday, March 14

24 weeks now, isn't that special?

So we wanted to make a big stink about Rosa Jane reaching the 24th week mark, but the sick bug hit our household and shook up all our plans. Instead of frollicking in good times, we've been spending the last few days in bed. It's hard to get a good rest when your nose is all stopped up. Just ask Miss Rosa Jane. She knows. She has been in relatively good spirits despite her feverish temperatures and snotty nose. If you look closely at this picture, you'll see her two new teeth working their way in. She loves to chew and will bite ya real hard if you give her the chance. I prefer not to do that. We're on the upswing from our illness. Every day we're smiling more and enjoying the beautiful spring weather.

Rosa Jane is scooting backwards these days. In the pictures, she started on her playmat, but ended up opening the closet door which pushed the office door closed so it left her no place to go.

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