Wednesday, March 1

Wonderfully Fun, But Awfully Exhausting

We had a wonderful visit with Mary and her babies, Caeden and Bailey. Her girls are so sweet, gentle and kind that I only hope Rosa Jane will be so, too. Baby Cae-Cae kept saying that Hank dog was her new best friend. Baby Bailey looks so much like her father that it makes me smile. I love Mary and Chaddy. They are doing a beautiful job rearing their children. (Click on the pictures in the flickr badge to the left to see more pictures from our days together.)

After the last baby went to bed at 8pm, we headed out to the patio and stayed up way too late drinking margars under the festive lights and eating tons of guacomole, cheese product also known as queso and fajitas. I grilled chicken for the very first time. It was too bad my philosophy on grilling chicken is alot like roasting marshmellows -- make it burn!! Thankfully, Robyna came to the rescue, turned down the heat and made sure that I didn't ruin the fajitas completely. What would we do without our girlfriends?

Don has been very sick these last couple of days with a nasty headcold and I'm just holding my breath that the rest of us don't get it. For there is no time to slow down. Sara comes tomorrow for a long weekend with the fam. We are all so excited about her visit we can hardly stand it. Among the many things we'll do, we are definitely going to start Rosa Jane on her first solid of rice cereal as a family.

Long live 20D. May our friendship grow ever stronger and may the next time we see each other be not that long at all.

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