Saturday, March 25

A Picture Worth One Thousand Words

Fire up, buttercup, it's time for the annual Liberty Jubilee! All the way down here we reminisced about the great Jubilees of the past.

Robyn's first was ten years ago and was marked by a special appearance of singer Zona Jones. Ironically, I found his autographed picture (signed to ROBYN) in my bedside stand before going to bed last night. I know she barely got any sleep because she had so much anticipation for the joy that would come this morning. Six years ago, we introduced donr to Jubilee magic when he also met my parents for the first time. And on this fateful day today, Rosa Jane got her first whiffs of alligator-on-a-stick, funnel cakes, and Texas Twister drinks. Maybe next year she'll get to go one step further and actually taste them. No promises, buttercup.

All was made extra sweet by our own little game of DEAL or NO DEAL with our Boston condo. Let's just say we hit the deal button as soon as we could. And now we're all breathing a little easier.

Click on the picture to see more from our exciting afternoon with goats and ponies and later a snack of squash. Good times!

1 comment:

Sgulde said...

What a great set of photos... the Guldes are wishing we could be there. Sending big hugs and lots of love.