Monday, March 26

Best Friends

I think a really good friend brings out the best in you and reminds you how to be You. In a world full of day-to-day self-consciousness it's nice to forget that for a while and just BE who you were most meant to be.

Por ejemplo, when you are in a room full of other moms (acquaintances) and babies, I feel like I'm always on my best behavior trying to say the right things, do the right thing and most of all avoid offending anyone. I'd like to fast forward to the part when we're all best friends and not so worried about the details. I most like the relationships when you have so much in common that you don't have to "try" to be anything else but a human being who is trying her very best in life. In that realm, you don't worry so much if your child steals a toy from another child or knocks her down in the process because overarching you know there is love and forgiveness there.

Click on the picture to see more from Sally's visit. Even though we were "working" the entire time (as opposed to playing with strictly girl-time of shopping and laughing), the time together was amazing as always. It's nice to be reminded of who I really am and what I can do when I have that kind of confidence and encouragement all the time. Everyone needs a Sally Cat in their back pocket. I hope you have one, too.


Drew, Amber and Megan said...

I can just hear you guys laughing taking those silly pictures! So much fun! What equipment do you shoot with?

Kristen said...

We were shooting with a Canon 20D and 5D cameras with different high-end lenses. You can see the camera information in Flickr on the right side page by clicking the "more properties" link to see precisely what we were using.

Fulmer Fam said...

That is so true, moving all the time and being an army wife sucks in that way because everyone works together and some even rate your husband, so better watch what you say even when you feel close!

Nik said...

Who made the cool totebags/purses? The colors/fabrics are beautiful!


Kristen said...

Melissa Moze of Austin made the handbags/belts. They are super cute! she's working on her e-commerce website, which is why we took the pictures. I'll let you know when it's up. But it may be a while... If one of the items particularly interested you let me know and I'll find out the "special price just for you!"