Monday, March 5

The Little Signs of Love

Each night before we all go to bed, we put away the toys that a knee-high someone has scattered about the place. I'll find a doll lovingly placed in the outside swing, or a stuffed monkey sitting patiently in the stroller waiting for a ride. Call me sentimental, but these little signs of love melt my heart.

Two weeks ago we were shopping in a clothing store with Zdogg. She says, "Look at your little tag-checker!" I watch Rosa Jane as she touches each shirt and then flips the tag over and over. I don't have to wonder too long about where she learned that.

This morning, Rosa Jane reaches over to my messy hair and swipes it back behind my ear. As she does so, there's this sweet smile on her face.

Rosa Jane picks up on behaviors learned by watching and by being taught on purpose but to her there's no difference. I have to remind myself of this fact all the time -- even when I'm frustrated as all get out that she's breaking the rules and feeding the dog excessive amounts. And that's my biggest frustration right now because it makes our dog rude, untrained and grabbing food from countertops. Who wants to live with a dog like that, anyway? I know one thing for sure: donr doesn't.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How sweet! I love this post! The pictures of her and the sock monkey are so cute.