Monday, March 26

Here You Go, Mommy: A Scoop of Guilt to Add to Delicious Freedom

Why, Oh, Why did this article from the NY Times on the effects of daycare on preschoolers have to come out on the eve of RJ's Big Adventure in two-days/week Preschool.

Click here to read more . . .


Fulmer Fam said...

Ok, so I read the article since I am a mom that so needed some time to myself, ie cleaning, grocery shopping being that my husband was deployed for the first year of our precious son's life. Though I do admit that Thomas did not go until he was a year old and it is a very small program at our church and he always has the same two teachers every time. So first off the article states that "The effect was slight, and well within the normal range for healthy children, the researchers found. And as expected, parents’ guidance and their genes had by far the strongest influence on how children behaved."

Next "In 2001, the authors reported that children who spent most of their day in care not provided by a parent were more likely to be disruptive in kindergarten. But this effect soon vanished for all but those children who spent a significant amount of time in day care centers." I do not think less than ten hours is significant.

Last "Every year spent in such centers for at least 10 hours per week was associated with a 1 percent higher score on a standardized assessment of problem behaviors completed by teachers, said Dr. Margaret Burchinal, a co-author of the study and a psychologist at the University of North Carolina." Do you realize how insignificant really 1 percent is and if you are like me it will be less than ten hours over two days, which sounds like you are contemplating. I mean one standard deviation, but give me a break 1 percent!
So realize RJ needs a mom who loves her and is well rested and happy when she is with her! Ok, is that enough from someone you don't even know, hahaah.

Kristen said...

Thanks, Fulmer Fam. I'll take approval from wherever I can get it. ;-)

Kristen said...

Thanks, Fulmer Fam. I'll take approval from wherever I can get it. ;-)

Cheryl said...

I think little RJ will be just fine. She's got herself a pretty good set of parents and I trust you, as a good parent, found a twice-a-day daycare that you feel good about. You wouldn't send her to anything else. Besides, I know a few kids who went through day care and I feel we turned out OK.

Nik said...


Bryce goes to a preschool/day care and we feel that he has thrived at his school. (You might want to read that report again - the difference reported appears to be minimal). Also, I think the interaction with other children is very important for social skills. I think 2 days a week sounds just perfect. :)