Monday, January 9

And Speaking of Laughing

Yesterday afternoon we took a walk around the neighborhood. Don held Rosa Jane and I held Hanky's leash. Rosa Jane pretty much laughed the entire time while looking at the dog. We think it was the first time that she's really noticed him. Pretty funny stuff.

This morning I was talking to my dad and I told him that RJ had just fallen asleep in my arms and it was so sweet. He said, "Good, I'm glad to hear that you haven't put her down and that she's still in your arms. You're going to have to follow her to college so that you can still hold her." I said, "Hey now, you're taking it a bit too far." and he said, "Okay then you'll still be holding her in high school." It is no secret that our holding Rosa Jane has taken the star spot as the butt of family jokes. But I ask you, who wouldn't want to hold her!?

Anyway, I have some more cute snapshots to post... so check back later...
As for now... the blue skies are begging for a sky dome cruise!!! And I gots to GO!

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