Wednesday, January 25

Doctor, Doctor Give Me The News...

RJ had her four month checkup today, the day after her four month birthday. Everything went great.

She grew three inches in length in two months. Whew, girlfriend! Way to stretch it out!

It's beginning to look like she's going to keep her blue eyes.

She's in the middle percentiles for height and weight, and she has a little head circumference, percentile wise. I have no idea what that combination adds up to. I do know that we once had a dog who we jokingly referred to as Indian Princess Little Head. Maybe Little Head will be RJ's Native American name going forward.

The real reason for this post, however, is that this morning I appreciated more than ever before during RJ's brief life that I was in the company of a baby human being. She noticed, and locked in on, every person who came into the room. She turned to listen to every speaker, following the cadence of the conversation if not the substance. She smiled at each person at appropriate times. She tried to chime in with cogent coos and spit bubble comments, which all but her parents failed to notice. At 123 days of age, she was engaged in complex human interaction.

I was struck by the reality that our little girl, overnight, has become a very social creature. All kids do, of course. But this is the kid I study all day every day, and today she was suddenly a noticeably more fully-formed person.

Welcome to the club, sweet baby girl.

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