Monday, January 2

Sitting on the edge of her seat

Rosa Jane loves football. She really can't take her eyes off it. Here she's watching the Texans play the 49ers. I like this picture because her eyes look so light-colored. We tried three times to capture RJ's song-singing on video, but wouldn't you know it that she'd be as silent as a buzzard when it was time to sing out. Silly, girl!


donr said...

When this was taken, Rosa Jane - an amazingly knowledgeable fan given that she was only 99 days old here - was castigating Houston for blitzing the quarterback in an obvious run situation. Man, I adore her...

Sgulde said...

She's killin' me. She's so darn freakin' cute! I love her.

katherine petillo said...

when are we going to get all the girls together? she's so cute! i can't belive how much hair she has. i love watching her fill out. pooey on that mom thinking she's too big. tom's started calling lola 90cent. she's in the 90th percentile for weight :) we love you guys.

donr said...

katherine, you are so right. at two months RJ was in the 48th percentile for length, 90th percentile for weight. i look at her and she's still tiny. she's breast feeding for heaven's sake, not chowing on quarter pounders. she lives on milk. whatever she weighs right now, she was meant to weigh. i keep reminding KB that my first, sara, had so many chins at four months that we didn't realize how much old milk was in there curdling until we smelled it. sara had rolls on her thighs it took all of our fingers and toes to count. today sara is 20 and wears a size XS. RJ is just perfect the way she is...