Saturday, March 31

Playing Catch Up!

The week completely flew by! RJ adjusted well to daycare. The first day she was a little fragile, but on the second day she blew me a kiss goodbye and that was that. After dropping her off the first day, I went to the gym and took a BODY BUSTER class. As I could hear RJ's imaginary crying in my mind, I was hoping that she'd do the same for her child someday.

The day in the middle was great for both of us. We played well together and wanted to be next to each other. No more of this trying to do something on the computer or elsewhere without her/around her.

Wednesday my parents came in town and we bought plants and ate on the patio.

Thursday morning, day 2 for school, I had a flatter than flat tire. So we were delayed in getting there, but it all worked out great. It just wasn't the ideal day I had planned out for myself: Who really plans to spend the day at the "Car Repair Shop"? (like in that enterprise commericial. don and I always laugh at that commercial.)

Friday, I bought a new lens and we had two friends over to play. We went out to eat at a crawfish boil with our friends last night. Fun times if you like noisy restaurants and chasing your 18mos old from table to table.

It was a busy week, but I think I'm really going to get in the hang of having some time off from mommy duty.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Jackson just started mother's day out and, like you said, it has definitely given me more energy and focus with him on the days he doesn't go. I'm glad RJ's doing well with it!

And yes, I was really ticked off when that stupid high chair tray didn't fit in the dishwasher. The reason I picked that one is because we have the matching stroller. And you know, it is VERY important for the high chair and stoller to match.