Wednesday, August 2

Caeden attacks her Mom and Cutie Bailey poses

Last Sunday, Roby and I went to San Antonio to hang with visiting Mary from California. We spent most of the day in the pool playing with the precious as all get out Becker girls. Click on the picture to see more.

My parents had stopped by Friday night just in time to eat Mexican and exchange cold germs. RJ and I have it. Don and Roby do not. I hope they don't get it. RJ is being a real trooper about it, but she hasn't been sleeping through the night like she usta. I suspect it's a combo of a sorethroat and teething, but who really knows.

This morning I took RJ and Hank for a long, long, long, long walk. I took a wrong turn and ended up walking forever through what seemed to be death valley, aka through the new development near our house. I really thought I was going to die walking up those intense hills with hot sun. We were gone for almost two hours. I can't wait to take the car out and find out exactly how far we walked.

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